
Howto: obtain PLINK format files right from GenomeStudio (no command lines)

This post is to divulge the PLINK Input Report Plug-in, which can be obtained from http://www.illumina.com/software/illumina_connect.ilmn. It is a straightforward way to get PLINK format files right from GenomeStudio.

Comparing to the last post (http://livestockbioinfo.blogspot.com/2011/10/howto-convert-genomestudio-files-to.html) this can be interpreted as a enhanced solution, although there are bright sides and down sides from each approach. The plug-in is undeniably more user-friendly, but scripting is nice because of its flexibility and possibility of improvements/adaptations.

Nevertheless, this powerful plug-in allows for exporting PLINK input files for a specific project/chip set or you can create a samplesheet with samples you'd like to add to a PLINK file and load it with GenomeStudio.

Have fun!

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